"I think the cost of energy will come down when we make this transition to renewable energy."
- Al Gore

CEG is moving forward to become the leading propagator and supplier of high-quality biomass feedstock with the growing capability to support increasing demand across the nation.

To grow, harvest and process these materials in such a way as to maximize their environmental benefits and operate our company, in as sustainable a manner as possible-from our practices, to our people, to our products.

For more information email us or call 847.344.4114.

Pictured here are some of our trial and feedstock fields that are used to support our experiments and programs. Watch us grow!

Research and Development

Cultivated Energy continues to identify and vet specific markets and end users where Miscanthus can be valuable. As part of this process, we actually build out working models not only to understand the obstacles that are ahead, but also to solve problems ahead of time in order to help expedite the acceptance of these sustainable alternatives and identify real return on investment.